As a 10 yeard old Saroja Sundararajan does exceeedingly well in all the subjects, except in Maths which she performed badly. Her teacher warned her in the final examination of the Maths paper which disturbed her mind very badly. Her father came up with exiting methods to teach her the Mathematics. She went on to scope centums and became a Maths teacher and also received awards to this effect.
Today, this 85 year old Saroja Sundararajan came up with activity worksheets through a created website in order to contribute the money earned to PM CARES fund to fight coronavirus. As she felt thousands of people suffering from coronavirus, she thought it was the best idea to contribute as to what is possible and help the society. She prepared hundreds of worksheets for children studying in Classes VI to VIII and also came up with a website, created by a teeanager for her cause. According to her, children of 11 to 13 years can love or hate at this juncture.
Let us appreciate the good work of this old lady with service oriented mindset.
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