It is all about a Great person turned 100 recently.
Former Navy veteran K G Nair was recalling his young age memories of navy days by sitting in the cool portico of his son's house in Pathanamthitta, Kerala. The travelling all over the world made him as a passionate person to join the Navy instantly after competing the schooling. He was indeed overwhelmed to say about his travelling to many parts of the world expect the American continent.
Just four days back, he has turned 100 and top officials from Navy have wished on this historic day.
To name a few are Naval Commander A K Chowla and Lieutenant Commander Arun. Mr Nair has shared his experiences of World War II as per the words from his youngest Ayurvedic Doctor
Son Gokulan and eldest daughter Geetha. It was, indeed, a pleasure time of many of his family members gathered online by cutting cakes for the veteran's latest achievement.
He shared his tough times with The Hindu about his horrible experiences on a particular Christmas Eve , bombing by German force when sailing during the World War II. His battalion was rescued and taken to Southampton port. King George visited the team, hosted them a dinner at the Buckingham Palace. His regular exercisng and disciplined life style hold the key for his good life span.
Let's hope Nair lives for much more years and wish him all the best in his endeavour.
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