With a view to control the spread of coronavirus in the state of Tamil Nadu, the Chief Minister Mr K Palaniswami has requested the wholesale vegetable trader and fruit vendor to vacate the Koyambedu market and close the same to prevent spreading of virus.  But the traders did not heed to the request of the Chief Minister.  In the recent days, Chennai city experienced spike in cases recording maximum numbering of people who visited the Koyambedu market.  This was because of the refusal by the traders to shift from this market as requested by the Government.  During recent meetings wth the District Collectors by the Chief Minister, he advised virtually that the traders failed to move from the place and hence ordered the closure of the market.

Earlier attempts have been made to shift the market from Koyamebedu but the traders refused fearing loss of business.  Reports in the media was that government's inaction in shifting has led to increased cases as far as the Koymabedu cluster is concerned.  These were the views expressed by the CM.  Several meeting staring from 19th March running into the month of May, the traders continue to express about the loss in their business if it was shifted to any other place.  The Deputy Chief Minister Mr O Panneerselvam and CMDA officials were involved in the meeting, but failure as far the Government is concerned.  The information came stricty from the government about shifting and hence traders have accepted the move and ready to operated temporarily from Thirumazhisai.  The marked is being operated from 10th May 2020 from this place.

Let us sincerely hope and trust the spread of coronavirus will be under control.

Thank you so much.
