The Tamil Nadu Government has announced that works on post production can be resumed by the film Industry from 11th May 2020. This was welcomed by the tamil film industry. The post production works such as editing, dubbing, DI colour grading, re-recording and sound design/mixing are coming under this announcement. The decision came from the Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami after considering representations from the industry.
A maximum of 15 persons can be involved in computer and visual graphics. The production companies should ensure that all employees get necessary passes, work with masks and follow social distancing norms without fail. Disinfectants have to be used periodically at the work place as instructed by the Central and State Governments to contain the spread of corona virus. The Representatives of the film faternity and the silver screen represented to the Information Minister, seeking the help so that at least post-production work to happen. The livelihood of people involved in the industry was not stable since there was no work for them in the past 50 days due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Let's prey God and presume that more and more relaxation take place in order to have the smooth functioning of the industry in all the angles.
A maximum of 15 persons can be involved in computer and visual graphics. The production companies should ensure that all employees get necessary passes, work with masks and follow social distancing norms without fail. Disinfectants have to be used periodically at the work place as instructed by the Central and State Governments to contain the spread of corona virus. The Representatives of the film faternity and the silver screen represented to the Information Minister, seeking the help so that at least post-production work to happen. The livelihood of people involved in the industry was not stable since there was no work for them in the past 50 days due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Let's prey God and presume that more and more relaxation take place in order to have the smooth functioning of the industry in all the angles.
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