The Southern Railway has been running trains in the name of "Shramik Specials" to carry stranded migrants, due to lockdown, from Tamil Nadu to various other states to help migrants go back to their native towns.  Even though more than 20 trains have been operated so far, thousands of migrants have been waiting anxiously to return to their native places.  The Railway authorities are steadily increasing the number of passengers to accommodate in these special trains, keeping in mind the physical distancing towards controlling the spread of COVIND-19 outbreak.  Based on the recommendations from the Indian Railway Board and health advisory department, the railways are reintroducing the middle berths also.  Necessary Railway Police Force are in place to ensure passengers maintain the physical distance.  RPFs from respective zones will take charge of the compartments during the journey.

Let us sincerely hope soon the virus disappears so that train services would become perfectly normal.
