The Southern Railway has closed its Head Quarters in Chennai due to some officials and staff tested positive for COVID-19.

The Zonal Head Quarters housing Southern Region General Manager, Additional General Manager and principle Heads of Departments are functioning.

As per Home Ministry guidelines, Railways worked with 33% staff and staff strength was reduced to 50% recently.  The safety measures such as use of masks, sanitisers, disinfecting utility areas are in place.  In spite of this, swap samples of some staff tested at King Institute, Guindy, Chennai have been found positive.  The GM office and other offices will remain closed for two days as per the note issued by Chief Personnel Officer Siddharth S K Raj considering COVID-19 pandemic.  The staff and officers will work from home and they should be available on phone at any given time.  The Divisional Head Quaters was also closed as a senior official was tested positive and steps taken to disinfect the area.

Results of more samples are awaited.  The people tested positive have been admitted to Railway Hospital for necessary treatment.

Let us hope the COVID-19 pandemic end soon.
