In the recent past and during the present days, the presence of coronavirus taking heavy of toll cases and everyday surge is seen by way of number of cases steadily increasing. The Government of Tamil Nadu is having tuff time in putting control measures in place. The containment zones are need to be monitored closely. Under the circumstances, commandos in black of Tamil Nadu, 20 in numbers, have been deployed as an additional force to supervise various activities in controlling the spread of coronavirus.

Considering the briskness and the speed with which the commandos act, it was the desire of the Deputy of Commissioner of Police to bring them under his belt in deploying them in various zones where lockdown violations are reported. They have been in duty along with Inspectors and Assistant Commissioners and dominate the troubled zones. The Commissioner of Police has categorically informed the public this is not a flag march at all. The DCP with the force making rounds denying any flag march as the situation is very much under control without law and order problems.
The Commissioner of Police made a fervent appeal to the people and requested for full co-operation in the efforts and make the lockdown a total success.
The delivery staff of online food sellers have been warned against gathering in clusters and advised them to strictly follow the physical distancing norms for collection of food packets in front of their outlets. While mask play a key role in controlling the disease, services should be squarely denied if the person is not appearing without the mask.
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