In Telengana, the cases spike on daily basis which accounts for more than 6000 cases so far. Even deaths are uncontrollable which closes in to 200.
The controlled efforts are let loose in Kerala resulting in more number of cases and also saw healthy youngsters loosing their lives. Kerala was best rated state in controlling the spread of the disease during initial lockdown, which now faces continuous report of positive cases. The people here are so careless in following government guidelines such as wearing mask, keeping social distance and hand sanitising on regular basis. The people flout rules and throw it in the wind unmindful of the prevailing grim situation. The death of youngsters will only cautions that nobody in the earth safe amidst increase in cases. While people landing from abroad have been tested positive, this also gives room spreading the disease to others living the state.
Even in the Andhra Pradesh, cases are doubled as infection causes from people arriving from other countries. Here, the total number cases nearing 7500 and the death toll nearing 100. While the recovery was more than 50%, the other patients are undergoing treatment at various facilities.
Karnataka came across 12 deaths on a single day also accounts non COVIND deaths. Some cases are returnees from aborad especially from UAE with more 50 patients are inter-state travellers.
Lets us hope for the coronavirus to end soon.
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