The Government has appointed IAS officer Mr J Radhakrishnan as Health Secretary and shifted Ms Bheela Rajesh as Secretary, Commercial Taxes and Registration Department. It has taken place when new cases on the rise on account of COVID-19 pandemic. The new secretary has been well versed and served the department in the past i.e. for a period of seven years from 2012. This apart, he will continue to handle the portfolio of Secretary-cum-Commissioner, Revenue Administration.
It is appropriate to hightlight the charisma and the praiseworthy in effective handling of tsunami relief operations in the Nagapattinam coast during 2004-05. Chennai turned as an hot spot for coronavirus during May and Radhakrishnan was appointed as Nodel Officer simultaneously to co-ordinate and make serious efforts in controlling the spread of disease.
The change of bureaucracy also saw number of cases soar over 40,000 in the state, while the Chennai city was registering four-figure marks continuously for a week.
While the intelligent and the way Radhakrishnan handles matters appreciated by each and everyone in the department, it goes without saying that his experience at the helm of office will come in handy especially during the disaster management efforts and provide new strategies in controlling the spread of COVID-19.
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