Karnataka's virus cases are nearing 6000 with 308 new cases in 24 hours. The current record of Bengaluru is 501 cases. Yesterday, there was three deaths in Karnataka thus totalling 64, apart from two deaths of COVID-19 patients from non-COVID-19 causes.
In Kerala, a 41 year old man succumbed to the disease after return from the Maldives. It is imperative to mention about praises by the Central Government to the Karnataka government with sincere efforts and protocol for containment by Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike. There was escalation in cases from some other districts with more inflow as returnees from other states. The similar approach/procedure was followed by six states and 47 cities. The number of cases maintained to a minimum low mainly due to tracing all cases and micro-level planning and its implementation. A major cases of 277 were passengers who had travel history to other states and one to Maharashtra. Three deaths reported yesterday were from Bengaluru urban. A 67 year old man died due to many complaints and found the end within 4 days of admission to hospital. One 48 year old woman was also a victim of Influenza-like illnesses who earlier had fever and breathlessness. The end came within a day of admission. A 65 year old woman had Acute Respiratory Illness and died also within a day of admission.
In Andhra Pradesh, positive cases are nearing 5000, with 150 new cases yesterday. Out of this, 28 people are returnees from other states, one from abroad and the bulk of balance being local cases. As per the information provided by Health Department, over 2700 people have been discharged and 51 people have been sent home.
Again in Kerala, out of 91 fresh cases, three were imported cases from foreign countries or other states. Three health workers have contracted infection through local transmission in Thrissur. The death of 41 year old man was due to renal disease and respirtory problems from the known sources from Government Medical College Hospital. The death toll was 16, which include one 87 year old died on Sunday night and the same was added to the official figures later on.
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