The Aerial blast on World Trade Centre on 9th November 2001, was photographed.  A man was seeing running away from the fleeing smoke and debris as the south tower of the World Trade Centre crumbled.

This man, Stephen Cooper, has died of coronavirus on 28th March 2020 as reported by his family members.  Being an electrical engineer from New York, at the age of 78, died of COVID-19 infection.

The photo was published in Newspapers and magazines around the world and has featured at the 9/11 Memorial Museum Park, snapped by Associated Press photographer.

One Janet Rashes, Cooper's partner, commented that we did not know the photo was taken.  Suddenly one fine day by seeing his photo, he retorted "it was me".  He was amazed and could not believe himself.  Without knowing what was happening around, he was delivering documents near the World Trade Centre.  A police officer yelling at him Run man Run, which he does not know exactly what was happening.  He was seen tucked with manila envelop at the scene and was 60.While a wall of the debris from the tower looms behind, Cooper and many others making desparate sprint in evasion.  He was later safe at a nearby subway station.

By holding this photo in his possession, during every 9/11, he would show it to his daughter, family, parties and anywhere else "Like a Calling Card" . He purchases many copies of Time and hand them out, as informed by his friend Susan Gould.  Cooper laminated the photo and had its possession in his wallet.  The photographer, Suzanne Plunkett at Associated Press, who took the shot, was in touch with two other people but not Stephen Cooper.  High regrets from Suzanne Plunkett.
