Various methods have been adopted in treating infected people from coronavirus. Out of this, one such method will be testing centres.
"High throughput COVID-19 testing" centres will be launched by the Prime Minister of India which has the capacity to test 10,000 samples every day from people infected by coronavirus. These facilities are coming up in three places viz. ICMR, Noida, Mumbai and Kolkata. The turn around time will be reduced and also exposure of lab people to infectious clinical laboratories. An added advantage for this facility is that testing can be done for complaints like Hepatitis B and C, HIV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Dengue, etc. High throughput screening attracts large number of samples at a go. A group of samples can be bunched together instead of individual testing. While positive needs checking every individual sample, a negative rules out the whole batch. This will save precious reagents and chemicals but the fix of potentially missing samples may emerge.
The inauguration team comprises, along with the Prime Minister, of Union Health Minister, Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and West Bengal.
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