The rain, which occurred a week back, flooded some areas in Hyderabad city and a prominent one being century old Osmania General Hospital. It has been ordered that the in-patient block be vacated and sealed. The Seventh Nigam Mir Osman Ali Khan planned to bring it down while some sources were of the opinion that this is to avoid any illegal activities in the vacated building.
The Hospital has IP Block, OP Block and Quli Qutb Shan Block. The Block needs major repair activity due to the neglect of up-keeping it, which was contemplated in the past five years. The health advisors lives are precarious as water leaks through roofs, seepage of walls and lime mortar falling down from the ceiling.
The Telengana Government announced about its functioning in a new building. The patients were shifted to other sections of the hospital and other hospitals. Since the block being more than 100 years old, heritage activists and leaders of the Opposition parties objected the plan of the government to destroy the heritage structure. The doctors and other health workers were asking for a new premises by forming a committee.
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