Upon started facing coronavirus pandemic, the Institutions all over India have refrained from conducting final examinations in schools and colleges. As months roll by, the final exams of 10th standard and 12th standard have been cancelled and every student treated as passed. The marks to the students are awarded based on performance from Quarterly, Half yealy examinations and internal marks. The results were recently declared based on these stipulations.
The time has now come for students to pick up their provisional mark sheets from their respective schools to carry on with higher studies.
The schools have started preparations to meet the safety standards when students and parents go for collection of provisional mark sheets. The State Government has to release guidelines to the Directorate of Government examinations. The Revenue and Disaster Management have issued Standard Operating Procedure.
Students will start visiting schools from 27th July for collection of provisional mark sheets. A school in the Chennai city has earmarked different corners with suitable thermal scanning arrangements to check temperatures of every student and parent before entering the school.
A relative of the student can collect mark sheet of a student if he/she falls under containment zone or any of the family members affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Restrictions for 20 students in a school campus at a time to be maintained as guided by the Health Department. Physical distancing norms to be followed inside the campus.
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