The Indian Railways planned to offer farewell to their colleagues through video conferencing. During the last working day of every month, retiring colleagues are given farewell by their staff members and termed as a customary practice.
Keeping in mind the COVID-19 pandemic, apart from physical distancing, this practice was stopped from April 2020.
The Ministry of Railways, boosting the morale of the employees, has decided video conferencing event to bid adieu to their colleagues on the last working day of every month. It emphasis the honour to the retiring staff from the service in the Railway network.
The Indian Railways, one of the largest employees capacity of over 12 lakhs running throughout the country. With immediate effect, retirement functions will take place through video conferencing. All employees can participate live via Railway Board connection, needless to mention officials of zonal and divisions headquarters, production units, training centres and workshops forming part of the function.
The first virtual platform function is scheduled on 31st July 2020 followed by last working day of every month thereafter.
A format need to be followed by officials to prepare the list of retiring employees and forwarded to the officials concerned. The new normalcy method adopted for retirement formalities. The exchange of pleasantries, recalling the colleagues experiences and a speech by the retiring employees have been discarded.
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