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While cases are on continuous surge after testing for coronavirus all over the world, the deaths continue to take place side by side putting the frontline workers in a tight spot and make serious and organised efforts in controlling the pandemic.- The patients are given in various stages such as ventilators, ICU and oxygen supports by controlling the deaths. The Union Health Minister upon meeting Group of Ministers informed that ventilator support patients are 0.28%, ICU support 1.61% and oxygen support 2.32%. Globally, India's death rate is very low and the rate is steadily on the decrease.
- Close to 6.5 lakhs tests have been conducted in India in a span of 24 hours and the active cases are 33.27% which is 1/3 rd of total positive cases. The current fatality rate stands at 2.18% which is lowest globally. The Director of National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) upon global comparison informed the overall recovery rate was 64.54% on all India basis. While records recovery rate as 89.08% followed by Haryana 79.82% with Karnataka at 39.36% being the lowest. The mortality rate is under check to keep at minimum against increase of cases in places like Pune, Thane, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. Widespread rapid antigen tests and strict perimeter control are some of the measures for effective management of containment zones.
- The Group of Ministers were enlightened about the concentration to increase in production of masks, drugs, ventilators and PPEs.
- Let us prey the efforts of our health workers bring down cases, fatalities and make corona-free nation at the soonest.
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