Many countries are involved in finding out a suitable vaccine for the coronavirus which is playing havoc in many parts of the world.  

The infectious disease specialist Mr Antony Fauci in the US White House was of the strong view that India will play a key role in supplying vaccine for coronavirus in the world.  The web conference organised by the ICMR states it is very dangerous threat by the coronavirus essentially unnecessary to have trials on human for speeding up the development of vaccine.  Dr Fauci as head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease told about the advanced stage of trials on human by Moderna and Pfizer.

The tests should meet regulatory standards including ethical review by way of monitoring and also India's role is important in manufacturing the vaccine.  This was stated by Dr Fauci during the web conference.  The trials covers intentionally infecting healthy vaccinated volunteers with small amount of virus.  The trials are conducted even for malaria and dengue.  There is no standard treatment protocol for the novel coronavirus.  Exploring healthy volunteers to the level of risk is not ethical.  As per expert consultation group, the studies are not needed at this time.  The high incident of disease continue to happen.  Effective therapies are not available to control individuals who are affected by coronavirus.  Considering these reasons, human challenges are not essential.  The vaccine need to be distributed equally upon finding it.  

The to be appointed Health Secretary Mr Rajesh Bhushan,in the centre told that the government will ensure equitable access to the vaccines.  The priorities will be elderly, healthcare workers, people with co-morbidity and due to socio-economic conditions, the risk is anticipated to become ill by the infection.

Let us eagerly await the vaccine to come to the market so that the danger in coronavirus will end once and for all.
