The coronavirus infection is increasing day by day in India which continue to bother everyone.  In Uttar Pradesh, the Health Department has reduced the cost of COVID-19 from Rs.2,500/- to Rs.1,600/- in line with the reduced cost of RTPCR test kits and reagents used for coronavirus.

The reduction in testing cost was implemented with immediate effect as held by the state's health department.  The price of COVID-19 confirmatory test through TrueNat was also fixed at Rs.1,600/-.  The violators will face severe action if they charge more than the prescribed fees under the Epidemic Act promulgated by the government department.   This was the second time that the price reduction in testing is announced by the government.  Earlier, the testing cost at private labs  was at Rs.4,500/- reduced to Rs.2,500/- during the month of April.  Hence, labs cannot charge more than Rs,1,600/- as per fresh orders notified by the govenment. The reduction will help in bringing in maximum number of people for test.

On Thursday, the Uttar Pradesh government conducted more than 1.50 lakhs tests with cumulative reading more than 72 lakhs.  On Thursday, government labs have conducted more than 50,000 tests on RTPCR method which was a record achievement.
