Amid increasing cases of coronavirus happening in many parts of India, the one standing tall has to be put in record as the state of Maharashtra. It has recorded 14,976 new covid-19 cases while nearly 67 lakhs tests have been conducted. The active cases being recorded as 2,60,363.
Around 430 patients have died due to coronavirus infection and the cumulative deaths stands at 36,181. The total recovery of patients read at 10,69,159 which includes 19,212 patients discharges from various hospitals in the past 24 hours.
Mumbai city recorded 1,713 positive cases during one day and the overall count is at 2,02,614. With 49 more patients succumbing to disease, the overall death stands at 8,883. Pune city has new cases of 1,005 and the total upto 1,54,344. The total death is at 3,500 while fresh deaths reported as 25 in a day.
The positive cases are 13,66,129 who have been under active care at various recovery centres.
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