As everyone must aware, the IPL 2020 tournament scheduled to start in UAE from 19th September 2020. Players totalling around 200 have reached the country last month with six days isolation period in their hotel rooms. During the tournament's progress, it has been decided to carry out more than 20,000 coronavirus tests as per the statement issued by the tournament's medical partner.
The cash rich world's big tournament being held in UAE this year due to COVID-19 pandemic and most likely with little or no spectators. All players tested on arrival and again after two days. Third and final test will ensure moving into a secure bio-bubble. While all the players have to undergo these tests to ensure corona-free tournament, other officials like match umpires, officials from the BCCI organisation and support staff are of no difference and to undergo similar test procedures.
Abu Dhabi based medical partner VPS Healthcare informed that 3,500 tests have been conducted so far. The movement of all the people will be strictly between hotel and the stadium.
Two players and eleven officials and staff from the most admirable franchise Chennai Super Kings have been tested positive shortly on arrival. One star player Suresh Raina with prolific run-getter and another star Harbhajan Singh who is an excellent spinner have opted out of the tournament citing personal reasons.
The kick start of the tournament will be between Chennai Super Kings and the defending champions Mumbai Indians in Abu Dhabi.
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