Good news for students in Karnataka that very soon they will be intereacting with teachers, faculties and between students after a long hiatus of more than six months. It has been decided by the Karnataka government to reopen colleges from 17th November 2020 with a treat of delight to students. The students will have to mandatorily carry consent from their parents before stepping in for offline classes. However, the choice is left with students to attend offline, online or blended learning. The engineering, diploma and degree colleges would be covered in reopening plan.
Colleges have been strictly advised to follow safety norms with sanitisation and maintaining social distancing. In the reopening of colleges, task force will perform in each district and college as a result of meeting took place between officials of higher education, health , transport, social welfare, backward class and finance department. COVID scholarships are being offered at some campuses and will be isolated. Students will get special transport arrangements who are involved in practical classes.
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